NECA Convention
Culinary Extravaganza with Celebrity Chef

Chef Art Smith
Art Smith, chef, author, and television personality has brought back meaning and symbolism to the word "table" and has united families and friends through the sharing of a meal.  Bringing a whole family to the table in today’s fast-paced way of life is no easy task.  In many modern households, family members eat separately, according to their own schedules, on the run, or in front of the TV.  But Smith has a few cooking secrets that are guaranteed to make dinner-time, a family time, and he is sharing them at NECA 2008 Chicago!  On Monday, October 6, from 10:00-11:30 am, Chef Art Smith will be conducting an interactive presentation of a few ways to tempt your taste buds and bring your family back to the table.

Smith’s long career in the culinary arts includes positions cooking for families all over the globe, including well-known politicians and celebrities. In 1997, he began an 11-year- position as the personal chef to Oprah Winfrey.  And last year, Smith opened a new fine dining restaurant in Chicago called “Table,” where he serves handmade, organic foods gathered from some of the best farms in the Midwest.  Enjoy this one-time, delectable experience only at NECA 2008 Chicago.   

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