NECA Convention
Spotlight on Pre-convention Workshops: Do You Know Your PPE?

OSHA recently published a new final rule requiring employers to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) used to comply with OSHA's standards for all employees. Contractors must understand these rules, as well as the NFPA 70E rules, that guide PPE use for electrical work.

Unlocking the Mystery of NFPA 70E Compliance is a pre-convention workshop specifically created for electrical contractors, safety managers and on-site supervisors. The half-day course will explore how NFPA 70E can be the solution to electrical PPE compliance. Topics covered will include OSHA's requirements related to energized electrical work and how to provide the OSHA-required protection utilizing items such as insulated tools, FR clothing, and rubber & insulating gloves and blankets in accordance with NFPA 70E.

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